18 January 2025
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
2 Nights of Miracles, Charlotte NCDaily
The Encounter Charlotte, 1651 NC-24, Midland, NC 28107
Big amen Brother amazing the same thing again, in my Spirit, and he showed me if we try in our strength we will fail, I was so frustrated the enemy was pushing and not stopping, even when I used the Lord name, and I said Lord I can’t fight him in my power, your power is the only thing that can stop him, nothing in me but Your Name and power, and I found as you said I was trying to do so much in my own power, and not his, and it will not work in this time, self has to be brought down, but thing’s changed as I said Lord I can’t do this, he is just a bully walking all over me now, what use to work don’t work now, the only power I have is in you Lord you stop him, to much arrogance today we have to humble our selve’s for sure.
I want to share one more thing on this, a few year’s ago as an asst. pastor, I was casting out devil’s, out of a woman, I had fasted 3 day’s and prayed and all of them still would not come out I got so weak I couldn’t hardly get up out of the floor, and my voice was gone, I said Lord what’s wrong I got nothing left, my voice is gone, I can’t even hardly get out of the floor, and he said GOOD NOW I CAN WORK TELL IT ONE MORE TIME TO COME OUT, AND I DID AND HER WHOLE COUNTANENCE CHANGED SHE WAS DELIVERED, we try to much in our own strength. God Bless Brother Mario.
That’s awesome Brother! Thank you for that word!
God’s blessings!
Aman! Less of ourselves and more of JESUS CHRIST by HIS NAME, BLOOD and HOLY SPIRIT!
Amen and amen! It has taken a long time to realize that it is not my effort that will make the change in this world. It is not my strength that takes back that which the enemy has stolen. It is not my power that turns the tide of the enemy. To learn this truth comes at great cost at times, and many tears of feeling like a failure at times. But it is that very weakness that allows the Holy Spirit room to work and flow through us for when we are weak, it is Christ Jesus that has the opportunity to flow through us if we allow Him and it is His strength and might that gives us the victory. We must have faith in God and the truth of His Word that came to earth, was sacrificed for our sins, died and took the keys from the enemy, rising again in victory, glory! It is a victory that He gave to all of us if we receive Him and believe all that He said is available to us. It is the finished work on the cross that restored that which was lost in the garden, that one on one relationship with our God and our Creator. Hallelujah! Thank you for sharing what you have with us. To God be the glory. Let us redeem the time and the things the enemy has stolen for His glory, knowing it is to be here on earth as it is in Heaven. Thy Kingdom come, Holy One, They Kingdom come…
Thank you Pastor Mario. I pray for you daily. I love your blogs and often use them in my intercession. I too am appalled at the apathy in the church and we all need a big kick in the butt! Keep going. You are sounding the alarm and many are awakening.
So encouraged by your writing! Thank you for encouraging us!
Yes! Amen! To take our places in the heavenlies! All for His glory and Kingdom!
Dear Brother Mario…
It’s always heartening to read your message and encourage one another while it’s still called Day.
It’s no fun to be in pain and on your back all the time. . .but God has a plan! YOU are part of that plan in these Last Days we live.
To be sure this is what the Lord said: “I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18
Jesus spoke this knowing that Nero would persecute Christians in a cruel and evil fashion, making them live torches through out the city of Rome. He spoke this knowing that Communism would take over Russia as they threw Christians into the Gulag to torture them to death (remember Pastor Warmbrand?) Then there was Chairmen Mao wiping all Christians off the face of China. Now currently thugs like ISIS massively killing Christians (and any one else that they held suspect)
But does all that horrible opposition stop the Gospel from being preached?
NO! Long after Mao, the Iron Curtain and ISIS have disappeared…Christianity is stronger than ever!
To put a chink in the armor of thugs like ISIS and Islam, the Lord (not Obama) saw fit to send refugees HERE to America (Sacramento, CA.,) in my neck of the woods! WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY TO PREACH THE GOOD NEWS as we can be Christ to those people.
Relatively speaking, we’ve got it good over here in America (for now) although the evil we’ve seen rising over the decades is extremely disturbing, we know that these things will take place according to prophecy.
The Lord knew some of His kids in the church would fall asleep. Keep in mind the parable of the Ten Virgins.
The point: God is Sovereign and is still in control…Even though we don’t understand certain things – He wants us to PRAY through in faith, to intercede, to wear the full armor, to NOT compromise with the world, to understand the issues,, but not get caught up in them,, but rather forgive, fast and pray for each other, our children, neighbors, the lost, our president and our country. (Not forgetting our brothers and sisters who are hurting in other countries.)
Your physical thorn in the flesh will improve for you soon, my brother…even though it seems like a life time to be in pain and not be able to get around to do what you feel God is calling you to do – but for right now you are in God’s holding pattern, being baptized with sorrow, you will soon be released with even more power than ever before, from the Lord.
God knows your heart for Him and the lost. He’s released you to pray and intercede, but make no mistake, you ARE preaching the Gospel and this out of your pain. These blog messages are being circulated.
Peace and Agape
Amen! I know it was the Holy Spirit that led me to your blog when you wrote that powerful post and gave the battle cry to beat back the powers of hell that were trying to keep you silent. I was and still am in the same prone position unable to walk hardly at all. As I agonized over this and sought the Lord with all my heart and soul, wanting to be serving Him, He reminded me of the very things you are speaking of. To go above and beyond my normal prayer list and requests. I began to realize that I had allowed myself to be lulled and neutralized to do serious battle. Well, I’m thankful to say your posts were conformation to my heart cry, and helped me to act on what Holy Spirit had revealed to me. It’s not my physical condition that hinders me for it is in this very weakness that He shows Himself mighty and strong. So from my room I rise to the battle again and stand with you and all who are joining faith in prayer to beat back the forces of hell in the mighty name of Jesus, for His glory.
God Bless you and continue to strengthen you physically as He is spiritually. Thank you for your love of Jesus Christ and your obedience.
while reading my spirit was brought to prayer in Holy Spirit and the hunger increased in me to be effective in prayer…humbly, that is what is missing in the body who actually do battle…His power, His authority, His mighty working to save and release ….people in deep darkness and pawns of the evil powers that work in the streets all around us…how to be effective and walk according to Almighty God’s purpose and will as individuals. sorry for rambling. Personally I am so very alone surrounded at times with other persons who claim to be believers , yet walk as blind….I am just an old woman without a home.
This is why you are one of my favorite writer/speakers. This kind of powerful message is what we need much more of.
Amen Brother stand fast be bold fear not because the church has been powerless to long preach it preach it and preach it LOUD and CLEAR