Why does the left drown out opposing views? Why do they curse, chant, spout catch phrases, and call people racists instead of calmly making their case? Because they have no case.
Here is a simple summary of the left: We want to force you to do something that has never worked. Sanctuary cities, marijuana, needle programs, socialized medicine, socialized anything, transgender bathrooms, have all created more chaos than they have solved. They say it is chaos for the greater good—a greater good that has never materialized. Never ever.
The left always finds a cure worse than the disease. They trade one form of racism for another. They create new injustice to replace the old injustice.
The young are easy prey for the left. If you claim an ideal they will listen. Many do not have enough life experience to understand why something just won’t work. Bernie Sanders—who was once kicked out a commune for refusing to work—tells them: “I will make the government give you free stuff.” Listen dear college student…anything the government gives you was taken from someone else. Wait till it’s your turn to be taken.
Marxism—the matrix of leftist thought—has slaughtered over one hundred million people. Yet and still, the Marxist will tell you those dictators weren’t real Marxists. However, Marxism has never taken root in a nation without genocide. Every leftist revolution has resorted to tyranny.
Packaging is everything when your product doesn’t work. Slick versions of Marxism abound. Make it trendy so Hollywood actors and late night comedians—those bastions of clear thinking—will want to identify with it. Replace sound arguments with punchlines and dim witty academy award acceptance speeches. Noise is essential to the survival of a lie.
The worst message is being presented in the best way, while the best message is being presented in the worst way. Leftists proudly scream lies while believers mumble the truth.
How should the Gospel of Jesus Christ be preached in modern sophisticated society? Here’s a better question: Why is the Gospel exploding in the developing world while it languishes here? I will tell you why, and when I do, most will say “that will never work here.” Here is what they do:
-They preach with accompanying signs and wonders.
-They demand total repentance and allegiance to Christ.
-They insist new disciples should be baptized in the Holy Spirit.
-They lead converts into church families that are more a movement than a congregation.
Most of our preachers are so insecure about saying what Jesus said, they present the most diluted homily that could be still called Christian. They are terrified to declare the parts of the Gospel that deliver the soul and liberate the heart.
Those preachers who lead revivals in jungles and wastelands believe they are declaring the best message mankind has ever heard.
Still, people say it will never work here. I say, let’s find out! Why not have meetings full of fire, raw preaching and real miracles? Why not tell the snowflakes, cupcakes, hipsters and wannabe revolutionaries about the real Jesus with real power? It won’t work? Let’s find out!
Corinth must have seemed a place that demanded a stylish and intellectual Gospel. Why else would Paul admit he overcame the temptation to “come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God.” Instead, he said, “my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.”
It is time for the American Church—along with the Churches in Europe, Australia, Japan, and every other developed nation being targeted by the leftist delusion—to shed the timid Gospel and roar righteousness.
The full Gospel is not just for poor villages and uneducated people groups. The message that works in Nigeria will work in New York. The Gospel that works in the Philippines will work in San Francisco, Tokyo, London, and Paris.
Paul wrote a book named for the most cultured, educated, and powerful city on earth—Rome. It was to the saints of that legendary city that he wrote: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”
Big amen Brother you getting excited, that kind of preaching will work, it’s the only KIND that will work, PREACH WITH THE FIRE OF THE HOLY GHOST UNDER HIS POWER, is what America need’s exactly, Preach the truth brother Mario.
We who know the supernatural power of the living God…our souls cry out YES to your message! I’ve heard this preached by others … we need GOD’S intervention!! Back to the secret place!