by | Feb 23, 2018 | Christianity Today | 18 comments

Out of my ordeal, comes a defiant message of victory.  Many are asking me how I am doing.  The answer is, even though I am in pain—I still can’t walk very well—doctors have no idea what’s wrong with my hip, spine, and leg…I am excited.

Why am I so excited?  Why am I praising God out loud?  I am not glorifying suffering or sickness.  I believe we have total victory over them.  I know I am receiving my healing through the prayers of many.  It’s just that I have discovered something about my affliction that excites me:  Satanic attacks are the breakfast of champions.

Satan is paying me the highest compliment. Martin Luther said, “Satan only attacks those he fears.”  Many of today’s teachings have it backwards.  They think they are being left alone because they have great authority.  Actually, they are being ignored because they do not pose a threat.

I remember in high school football the one thing you didn’t want was a clean uniform.  If there’s no mud on you, it’s because you are on the bench.  The same is true in spiritual warfare.  If no one is trying to lay a glove on you—you are not dangerous to darkness.

Early in my ordeal I did not understand.  Like so many who bask in nights of miracles and the outpouring of God, I was not prepared to have it come to a screeching halt.   I had nights of shocking pain—that no medication could touch.  There was no position that didn’t hurt. Sleeping was a joke.  At times my soul was so vexed, I wondered if I would lose my mind.

Now I am overtaken by an even deeper revelation of spiritual warfare—a revelation of the breakfast of champions.  This can totally revolutionize the way you fight and endure an affliction like mine. It begins with a simple admission:

God did not do this to you, the enemy did.  But, God will capitalize on it, in a way, that will make the devil wish he had never touched you.  Here are the two devastating outcomes—for the devil—after he attacks you.

  1. This suffering in your soul will transform you into a healing gift for others.  Listen to Paul: “What a wonderful God we have—he is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And why does he do this? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us.”  -2 Corinthians 1: 3-4

What God puts in your soul to comfort you during this trial becomes a gift for others.  You emerge from this trial a more advanced healer—a more diverse and useful vessel.

Every minute I lay here, I feel my compassion for others deepen, and my resolve to see miracles intensify.  I can chafe against the process, or I can have let patience have its perfect work. But there is a second benefit to come out of these attacks.

2. The weapon that was supposed to kill you, will end up a weapon in your hand.  Goliath charged David with a sword—not just any sword—but a legendary sword.  For Goliath that weapon had one goal—to kill David.  The last thing the giant ever imagined was being beheaded by his own sword, and to have his prize possession become David’s sword.

Haman was hanged on the gallows he built for righteous Mordecai.  Daniel watched his enemies thrown to the very lions they meant for Daniel.  Likewise, the fiery furnace incinerated those who had the 3 Hebrew boys thrown in it first.

Lucifer put Paul in prison in order to stop him. He did not stop Paul in fact, he soon realized it was his worst mistake ever.  Paul said in Philippians 1:12 “I want you to know that the things which happened to me have fallen out rather to the furtherance of the Gospel.”  That is the greatest understatement of the last 2,000 years.

Every time Satan attacked Paul with imprisonment, Paul wrote another letter.  Until the collection of his writings became more than half of the New Testament.  How massive of a mistake was that for the devil?

So beloved brother and sister in Christ I am excited and full of peace.  Not until heaven will I understand why I am enduring this great test. I know I am being healed.  But I also know something much greater—Satan will regret the day he attacked you and me.

Paul must have written this verse over breakfast: “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”-Romans 8:18





  1. Florence Williams

    A great revival is on the way and satan is afraid of you.He might take you out for a while but never take you down.We pray for you and ask God to bring you back with a greater anointing.

    • Carolina

      Mario and Family, Please read my post from yesterday’s New Prayer Alert your people sent out, I do believe it is important for you.
      Also Mario, your words today reminded me of when 2 days after hurricane Katrina, Evangelist Morris Cerullo came directly to our church in the South West from the Katrina site where he’d been ministering…saying he’d been called by God to our relatively small church because The Lord had spoken to him that there were called one’s there who were ordained. Evangelist Cerullo walked in looked directly at my husband and I – called us to the pulpit & said, “Now don’t come up here thinking this will be easy or to be taken lightly, because to be called out by Christ will be the hardest thing you’ve ever done!” And it has been as you know the walk is filled with the enemy’s nastiest plans & strategies.
      I live on this His word, “On this rock I will build my church…and the gates of ‘hell’ will not prevail against it.”

  2. Joseph Tenorio

    Many are the afflictions of the righteous , but the Lord delivers him out of them all. The Lord will not allow us to have put on us, anything that would cause us to be ashamed of HIM. When we trust in the Lord HE will not make us sorry for doing so. NOT OUR GOD!

    When I served in the US Navy , in 2001 during 9/11. There was chaplain “Tehran Frazer” Spirit filled Baptist. God used him greatly during our services. Many were being saved, filled with the Holy Spirit and demons casted out too at sea. Did I mention we were on an Aircraft carrier with over 5000 people on it?

    He was walking up to the 03 level which is three levels above main deck. Ladder that were very angled, he would go up and down many times day; as many did.

    God was moving and we were doing things in church out at sea that no one was doing. We baptized people in the hanger bay out at sea. Imagine a large Garage for JETS being moved inside and up on top all day long. how were we going to stop movement to baptize people? The Plan was not supported by top Brass.

    Then as God told him ” you are to baptize ” Chaplain Frazer was hit with chest pains, powerful ones as he was going up those ladders. He said the devil spoke to him and said ” YOU are having a heart Attack”!

    At that same time he immediately begin to pray, “NO! in the name of Jesus!” . “I do not accept it!” In the name of Jesus”; he continued up the ladder-well in much pain. He was going to the chapel on the 03 level. That is right there are churches on Air Craft Carriers .

    He fought to make to the top; walked to the entrance of the chapel, tuned the handle entered and the pain left. He preached , and we baptized three times at sea during war.
    “many are the afflictions of the Righteous” “But the Lord Deliver him out of them all”. Ps 4:19 Mario Amen we do have a Testimony not a testaphony….

    • Mary Hinkle

      WOW!!! Love this!!! If God be for us, who can be against us!!!!!

  3. Mark Stripling

    Many of us are graduates, not just of the School of Pain, but of the school of total devastation, ashes, and seeming defeat. Hope gone. Amazing to see God raise something new from those ashes and raise us to new heights of compassion, true empathy, hatred for our adversary and his evil works, and a greater anointing to minister in love to the hurting and broken. Grace is truly “Amazing.” God heal and deliver you from this thorn in the flesh.

    • Mary Hinkle


  4. Sandy Hayes

    Mario, you are such an encouragement to us! Every time I open my email, I first look for your messages of hope and inspiration. Your faith and testimony are reaching folks around the world, giving us renewed hope and a stronger faith. Darkness is thick, but thank God His light is shining brightly and brilliantly through your life. Praying for you, brother! I declare in the mighty name of JESUS: The enemy WILL NOT win this battle!

  5. Mary Hinkle

    I heard a preacher say, “The devil may have won some battles, but he ain’t gonna win the war!” Micah 7:8, “Do not gloat over me, my enemies! For though I fall, I WILL RISE AGAIN. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my Light!” Lucifer is Loserfer, he lost, because of Jesus Christ, and now, through Christ, we have overcome!!!! Mario, you will rise again, stronger in the Lord than before!!!! Praise the Lord, for He is good, His mercy endures forever!!!!

  6. Sheila

    Amen Mario!
    A lot of God’s people are getting attacked right now because the devil knows his days are numbered, but he can never touch the power of the Holy Spirit in our hearts!
    Praise God❣️

  7. Debra

    He makes our bitter places sweet!

  8. Mary Larson

    How can you truly feel compassion unless you have endured? We must keep on keeping on…with the only living God who is soon to show up with glory! We are in Him, He is in us and He will make a habitation among us! Look out world…the only Living God, Jesus and Holy Spirit is about to show up! We must get ready!?

  9. kelly thompson

    totally agree- this past christmas and new year and beyond, my family and I were so sick and one of my kiddos was hospitalized and aside from all of our pain all I could do was thank God we had health insurance and God was going to use it and re-pay us for what the enemy stole for years to come!

  10. Susan Shiflett

    Wow! Praise the Lord! What a beautiful attitude and message you have shared! We will continue to pray! May our Lord continue to give you “fight” and power for His homie and glory! Strength for His plans, power for His will and healing!

  11. RayandRaycilla Sedillo Martinez

    Blessings to You Mario, MMM, and Your Family..You are Truly one of God’s Generals, and this Affliction Shall Too Pass. You and I know God Can Heal us in a moment, or he can take his time to Train Us Up and Equip Us even more. It is during this Battle that he has our Undivided attention. You will come out of this With a Sharper Sword, and Greater Wisdom. We are living in an Amazing Time in History, and God gives us the Opportunity to Co-Partner with Him to Make a Difference and Be the Difference, To God be the Glory and Honor. Amen..

  12. Barbara

    I understand pain, I understand patience needed to get through the pain! Sometimes the Holy Spirit is like a elbow poking our ribs right before a change is about to happen.. your a busy man Mario.. use this time to listen.. you already have Godly wisdom so you don’t miss those God ordained opportunities.. keep your post coming!! Why can’t the doctors find the cause of your pain, could this be an attack from the enemy.. if so, we know how to shout him down, don’t we?

    • Barbara

      Won’t miss. Cell

  13. stevenjamesministry

    Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord will deliver them out of them all

  14. Nellie Matthews

    Interceding for you Pastor Marillo/Heaven’s Warrior, for complete & total healing, decreeing and commanding in Jesus’ name that all nerves, blood vessels, spine, and every kajillion micro-organisms and cells throughout your whole body line up with the anointed Word of God, that by JESUS’ STRIPES YOU ARE HEALED! Father God, we ask that You will impart Your divine strength to our brother in Christ, transferring Your healing virtue and providing Pastor Marillo with a supernatural, heavenly blood transfusion to refill his veins with Your holy oxygen, might & power! We ask Father God that you will renew his strength to the degree of youthful energy & exuberance!! We, your unified Body of Christ ask this special petition before Your Holy & Gracious Throne, in Your Son Jesus’ name, Amen & Amen!! ?….Rejoicing with your Spirit man and praising God for His faithfulness to those who love Him and are called by His name!
    “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.” Isaiah 52:7 HALLELUJAH!! HE REIGNS & YOU ARE REIGNING WITH HIM RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE! GLORY!! GLORY!!! ??



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