by | Feb 19, 2018 | Christianity Today | 7 comments

We are coming to Las Vegas to win the lost and heal the sick on a scale we have never known.  We are going where gangs operate.  We are going where addicts languish.  We are going where the homeless sit in despair.  This Living Proof Tent Crusade will feature the widest range of ministries we have ever assembled.
We are going in the power of God.  Our mission, is to open the flood gates of heaven on the abyss of human suffering.  Never—and I mean never—has the fire for winning souls burned so hot within me.
Satan knew all of this, and viciously attacked me.  Many of you know what happened. After standing for 4 crusade services back to back—some lasting 3 hours—I felt a strange pain in my left leg and spine. After a long flight home it became excruciating.
This is extremely rare. I have been blessed with strength to endure brutal schedules for over 50 years. I have flown 6 million miles on American Airlines.  That doesn’t the miles on many other airlines.


  This became the greatest test ever.  After 3 doctors, X-rays, cat scan, and an MRI they were still guessing about the source of my pain.
The amount of intercession that has gone up for me is humbling and convicting.  This ordeal hardened my resolve. I told Satan, “there is no version of this where you win.”  I confessed, that the same power that flows in our meetings, will overshadow me through the prayers of the saints.
While doctors theorize, God works.  Every time people pray over me, the pain decreases and mobility increases.  Could I have been instantaneously healed?  Of course!  But a healing is a healing no matter how it comes.


There is something I am looking forward to.  It drives my recovery.  On Saturday April 14th we will serve lunch to pastors and leaders in the Las Vegas area.  It will be my honor to open my heart about the miracle I expect in April.  The luncheon is free but we need your reservation to order the food.  Call 775 238 3473 to reserve your place at this luncheon.
Not only this, but that night we will have a night of miracles and worship that is open to the public.
Advertisers say what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.  We say, what happens here will not stay here!  It will not stay in Vegas or even in Nevada.  Lord let revival fire sweep the land!



  1. btk

    I’m so excited for this! I’m inviting everyone I know and even some I don’t know! Pray my son comes and gets a healing touch from God. He is battling addiction but he has a call on his life that hasn’t been realized yet because the enemy is holding him down. I pray every day; he goes to our Spirit-filled church, but he hasn’t heard the Lord speak to him directly yet. I know this will be a miracle-filled revival and I am believing for one for my son and my other children!

    • Carolina

      This Vegas trip has GREAT possibilities because with our GREAT God ‘all” things are possible!
      Mario Murillo & Family, as soon as you shared your testimony days ago, about your physical attack, I understood it all too well. 3 years ago I was HIT with satan’s schemes in my spine, left leg, & brain and they couldn’t find what caused it, with everything you just spoke of having done medically Mario, that’s the same I went through and more–over & over for 2 & half years. Finally they found the culprit a growth attached to my spinal L4 & L5 cord area pressing on the entire Sciatic root nerve system… NOT cancerous but showed signs too dangerous to remove surgically. Do you know what the final Doctor said to me after he and his 5 surgical assistants examined me in November 2017? He said……”Do you like Las Vegas?” I then replied, “Well that depends, not particularly!…” Then I laughed saying “why do you ask,” the famous surgeon replied, ” Because this is how it will be if I operate, you’re taking your chances, 50/50, like gambling, it could go okay for you, or it could go badly you might be paralyzed.”
      I left got in the car cried & driving in excessive pain & numbness. BUT today 2 months later, I’m healing and healing getting better everyday, my level 9 pain is gone, because we prayed that day for the MIRACLE Master Jesus to eradicate this problem along with the pain and HE did, without ONE more touch or drug, or surgical injection from any human being since early December 2017.
      Mario, You’ll make it to Las Vegas & beyond in Jesus Name & by HIS fame!

      • mariomurilloministries

        Carolina, I am taking your testimony as mine! A miracle is on the way!

  2. Arleen Stuart

    Amen!! Our prayers are with you all.

  3. K


  4. Rose Florist

    Praying for you brother Mario and the Revival that’s going to take place in Las Vegas I believe the holy spirit will fall hard for healing Deliverance Miracles after Miracles will happen I will keep you in prayer and the whole team God bless you

  5. Phyllis Falco

    May God continue to manifest His healing virtue upon you and the call of God and His anointing come forth in your life ,



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