27 September 2024
6:30 pm
Milwaukee Night of Miracles
Baird Center, 400 W. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53203
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Amen and amen
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I wish you preached near me, we are having a terrible time finding a church that teaches the uncompromised TRUTH.
Great To know there is a preacher still on fire for God.
Amazing read. I had just told my wife that the story of the demoniac of Gadera reminded me of the church today. Ruled more by Hell than heaven. Many church people have much in common with him. He was alive, yet powerless, in bondage, nakedness, and deception, and existing in the place of the dead, not the living, among the tombs. I said that Jesus called the Phaisees whited sepulchres, (diguised graves) and that most of our churches today are more places of the dead than the alive. No chains could hold him- Psalm 2 says that men claim that the word of God is like bonds and chains that must be cast off. Don’t put your convictions and “legalism”on me. If a verse offends me, I will not be “bound” by it. He was naked: Church of Laodicea. ” We are good, rich, comfortable, don’t need a thing!” Jesus: do you not know you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and NAKED! Christ’s cloak of righteousness has been replaced by righteousness found in communion, baptism, church membership alone. His righteousness has been lost in spiritual lukewarmness and deception. Holy Ghost fire is not only gone, but no longer even welcome or wanted, and even opposed. Not in his right mind: Jesus: “KNOW YE NOT” that you are miserable and poor and BLIND and naked? “Whoever says, I know him, but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” Yet the moment he had opportunity to know Jesus he ran to him and was saved, delivered, clothed, his mind cleared, and called to become a witness/preacher of the good news of Christ. How many lost souls who are regulars at church would glady receive Christ if they ever heard the truth preached under the convicting power of the Holy Ghost?
Mark S,
True what you’ve said! Holy Spirit is virtually absent from far too many “church culture” activities today, it appears to be due to their Laodicean attitude. I know what Holy Spirit witnessed to me at the very beginning of 2018, Christ’s Own words in Revelation 3, “I would that you were hot or cold,” this I understood was an indictment, not upon me & my house, but upon the current Christian “church culture.” Of course I immediately went into prayer for insight, and the next day got a response from a fella I’ve shared with for years, who’s topic clearly read, “Too many Christians are neither Hot or Cold!
Love this! Is a much needed truth that needs to be shared. The church has become so gullible and taken on the latest trinket the enemy dangles in front of it. Pastor Mario, ty for a great word , will keep you in prayer, keep up the great work you do for Him! Is always about Him! Blessings
Amen Mario❣️
Great word Mario! I see only two camps really, those who follow the dictates of the flesh and those who follow the dictates of the Spirit. Romans 8:1-13
Very good.
Jesus told us the very same thing and His “advice” (command) is constantly overlooked. If we do as He said, He WILL work through us.
Deny yourself. Pray about that. Ask the Lord how many ch that entails. Can you demand anything for yourself if you have truly denied yourself?
Take up your cross.
This is not some burden. It is recognizing that we have a death sentence on us and we willingly take up our cross so that we can be crucified and DIE!
Follow Me!
Walk JUST LIKE JESUS. JESUS came and humbled Himself never saying or doing ANYTHING unless the Father told Him to say it or do it. He NEVER defended Himself, He actually laid down ALL of His natural authority, power, knowledge, wisdom, etc., and relied EXCLUSIVELY on the Father for everything.
That lifestyle will Always triumph!
a bondslave in Christ Jesus
Mark Taylor February 2018 youtube Google this
On Feb 10, 2018 9:44 AM, “Mario Murillo Ministries” wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” What are the secrets of building > something great for God in these hostile times? Can we get over the evil of > today to do something big? Can visionaries still come to the forefront and > seize the day? Can true prophets arise, and speak the heart of Go” >