What is the most dangerous lie in America? What is killing us? The abuse of a simple phrase that Jesus used, “Judge not that you be not judged.” In the last few days, our site has smeared with vile posts by people claiming to be open-minded and, amazingly claiming to be more intelligent. What was even more tragic was the host of self-defined Christians who went along with them saying silly things, “we shouldn’t judge,” and my personal favorite, “you are making it harder for us to reach people.”
I am not making it harder for you to reach people, because I wonder if you are reaching anyone. How can you witness? At some point in witnessing you have to make a moral judgment.
I live in Northern California, ground zero for liberalism. They are constantly telling people not to judge. Their hilarious hypocrisy is breathtaking. Bay Area liberals are the most judgmental people on the planet. I have lived under environmental, nutritional, gender sharia law most of my adult life.
Last December in Danville California I said, “Merry Christmas,” to my waiter. He scowled at me and said, “I do not want to exclude anyone.”Talk about a hair trigger! Everything on earth is a cause for liberals. How do they sleep at night with so much judging to do??? They judge, food, animal treatment, gardening, the car you drive, even your fireplace. To them, it is a world is filled with “ists.” Sexists, elitists, capitalists, fascists, racists, and now because of animal rights there are “Specists” (people who believe humans are a higher species than man.)
Christians we better wake up! Don’t take Jesus out of context just so you can hide in a deeply immoral nation. Now read these exercpts by BRANNON HOWSE:
“Tolerance mongers seem to have found the one absolute truth they are willing to live by. How many times have you heard someone say, “Judge not lest you be judged”? The statement has become the great American open-mindedness mantra when anyone has the courage to declare that someone else’s belief, actions or lifestyle is morally amiss.
Another form of the same non-judgmental judgment is “that may be true for you, but it’s not true for me.” The logic behind the statement goes something like this: “Your truth is your truth and my truth is my truth. We are both right, and I hold to my opinion of truth.” The last time I checked, it was impossible for two chairs to occupy the same space around my dining room table, but evidently such rules of time, space and logic don’t apply to tolerance philosophy.
Postmodernism’s live-and-let-live concept of truth argues that even two opposite and wholly contradictory claims can both be true. This is as stupid as saying that black and white are the same color. Yet, it clarifies the absurdity of the postmodernism we are all supposed to blithely accept as the fundamental principle by which we respond to each other’s ideas – the “please and thank-you” of philosophical respect.
So beware. If you dare claim that another person’s truth is not, in fact, truth but is, in fact, wrong, you are not only being intolerant but you are also being – Mantra forbid! – Judgmental.
In his book “True for You, But Not for Me,” Paul Copan describes the fallacy in this all too common thinking:
It has been said that the most frequently quoted Bible verse is no longer John 3:16 but Matthew 7:1: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” We cannot glibly quote this, though, without understanding what Jesus meant. When Jesus condemned judging, he wasn’t at all implying we should never make judgments about anyone. After all, a few verses later, Jesus himself calls certain people “pigs” and “dogs” (Matt 7:6) and “wolves in sheep’s clothing” (7:15). … What Jesus condemns is a critical and judgmental spirit, an unholy sense of superiority. Jesus commanded us to examine ourselves first for the problems we so easily see in others. Only then can we help remove the speck in another’s eye – which, incidentally, assumes that a problem exists and must be confronted.
Those that tell you not to judge, quoting Matthew 7:1 grossly out of context, are often some of the most mean-spirited, judgmental souls you could ever meet.It’s not, of course, that they don’t want anyone to judge anything, because they want very much to judge and condemn your commitment to lovingly speak and practice your Christian worldview. You see how these tolerance rules work? We must tolerate them, but they don’t have to tolerate us. The logic is consistent, anyway.
Today’s postmodern culture of adults and students is so consumed by non-judgmentalism that there are some who say we should not even call wrong or evil the terrorists that attacked America on Sept. 11, 2001. In a Time magazine essay entitled “God Is Not on My Side. Or Yours,” Roger Rosenblatt offers the philosophical underpinnings of the live-and-let-live rule for global terrorism:
“One would like to think that God is on our side against the terrorists, because the terrorists are wrong and we are in the right, and any deity worth his salt would be able to discern that objective truth. But this is simply good-hearted arrogance cloaked in morality – the same kind of thinking that makes people decide that God created humans in his own image. The God worth worshiping is the one who pays us the compliment of self-regulation, and we might return it by minding our own business.”
ht and wrong is “good-hearted,” even if the reactions to it aren’t. Alison Hornstein, for instance, is a student at Yale University who observed the disconnect between tolerance and reality. Writing on “The Question That We Should Be Asking – Is Terrorism Wrong?” in the Dec. 17, 2001, issue of Newsweek, Alison noted, “My generation may be culturally sensitive, but we hesitate to make moral judgments.” While that might be putting it mildly, she goes on to say:
“Student reactions expressed in the daily newspaper and in class pointed to the differences between our life circumstances and those of the [9-11] perpetrators, suggesting that these differences had caused the previous day’s events. Noticeably absent was a general outcry of indignation at what had been the most successful terrorist attack of our lifetime. These reactions and similar ones on other campuses have made it apparent that my generation is uncomfortable assessing, or even asking whether a moral wrong has taken place.”
Hornstein further describes how on Sept. 12th – one day after Islamic extremists murdered more than 3,000 people on American soil – one of her professors “did not see much difference between Hamas suicide bombers and American soldiers who died fighting in World War II. When I saw one or two students nodding in agreement, I raised my hand. …. American soldiers, in uniform, did not have a policy of specifically targeting civilians; suicide bombers, who wear plainclothes, do. The professor didn’t call on me. The people who did get a chance to speak cited various provocations for terrorism; not one of them questioned its morality.”
If Americans don’t start to judge and punish evil instead of accepting all ideas and beliefs as equal, we will become a nation that welcomes same-sex marriage, polygamy, pedophilia, incest, euthanasia and likely a host of moral aberrations so bizarre they’re still hidden in the darkest reaches of the Internet.
I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say, “you know we are not to judge people; even the Bible says ‘judge not lest you be judged.’” Americans had better start getting comfortable with politically incorrect, non-humanistic forms of making intelligent judgments on moral issues because even if we don’t make them, I’m concerned there is Someone very willing to hold our nation accountable for what we allow. And He doesn’t respond well to intimidation, name-calling, flawed logic or being quoted out of context.
How can someone call me “judgmental” unless they first judge me to see whether I am judgmental or not?
Whatever happened to the first commandment?
We learn from history that
We’ve learned nothing from history …a sad and pathetic
Commentary …but I’m the end
God has the final say …Selah
So so sadly true
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But God will have the final say and all the deception will be embarrassingly be revealed
Sent from my iPhone
Thank you Mario for always speaking truth!
Even here in the comments, we are afraid to state how we believe and why we believe. “In the end God will have the final say” We are still not being bold to proclaim our Beliefs.
Forgive If I sound harsh.
We have to tell the people what i is right and what is wrong. If we don’t win anyone, what have we lost. But If we convert the sinner from their evil ways, we win.
Telling the truth will only matter to a few. Most will not accept.
The real TRUTH SEEKERS are probably less the 2% of the church members.
Yes if there more, you would see more of a change in the churches.
Until the churches get right, the sinners can’t get right.
Keep on telling the Bro. Mario
Unfortunatly rebellion against legit authority is at an all time high in church circles no one can stand against it because of compramise in there walk with God.
I would venture to say most of those freaking out here have deep unrepented sin in there life.
Pastors are held captive by special interest groups in there congregations because of there compramise.
No sermons on personal conduct,fornication,drunkeness,mammon etc will be tolerated,so its no shock that there are responses like this.
Whatever the church tolerates it is guilty of.
Trump is a real man who is not afraid to stand against jezebel, he is a modern day jahu he is a real man a picture of biblical manhood.
Thank God for some testosterone behind the pen and pulpit right here with you Mario!
We see the sheep and goats being revealed right here right now.
Is God using trump to to reveal the hearts of men in the church?
Its time for the people to repent!
The jesus people movment was awsome but this tolerance of faulse docterine and personal sin was embraced as to not offend and scare people away.
Our society is a reflection of the churches tolerance.
Its our fault and we must repent.
When we lose our convictions and refuse to judge sin in a biblical way we end up living out biblical accounts like eli and his sons,aken and the camp,david and absalom,etc,etc,etc.
My question to rebels…
Are you mad yet?
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Thank goodness we are waking up to the ploy’s of our enemy..
Mario you’re filled with the courage that only Holy Spirit can provide!
If I’ve heard it once I’ve heard it quoted a million times “judge not lest ye be judged!”…and always by people who are so completely unfamiliar with the actual scriptures and their “context” that I’ve had to breath deep and just let them make foolish nonsense of themselves using tolerance. These are generally the Michael Moore types who will also quote, “what would Jesus do?”…as if that too were an actual biblical reference. NO instead we who actually are Christ centered and biblically sound, know AP-Paul made it expressly clear to the Corinthians, that we would not only judge angels but also should be more than capable of judging each other so as not to Have to go to unholy courts of men.