The president wrote, “If I ever meet you on the street, you’re going to need a new nose job and a supporter below.” At a Jewish Seminary in New York, he blurted out “I am King Cyrus!” The thing is…
this wasn’t Trump. It was President Harry Truman. Okay, here’s a president who puts his intention to commit felony assault in writing—imagine that tweet!
He essentially calls himself the reincarnation of King Cyrus—delusional?
Oh, and did you know he tried to get power to draft an entire labor union into the Army to punish them for striking? Trump is tame by comparison.
Imagine what CNN would do to Harry Truman today, if Harry was a republican.
Mark Twain said, “facts are a stubborn thing.” It’s a fact Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson nursed greater hatred for the media in their day than Trump does today.
This historical perspective shows us Trump is not the madman, the media needs him to be.
Notice I said need. They need to destroy him. It is a bottomless need. It is a need so intense it consumed all rational journalism. Facts are irrelevant. Any good Trump does must be ignored or twisted into evil. They have sold their souls. Alec Baldwin said, “there is no way to be too nasty to Trump.”
The need has reduced them to pathetic, blithering automatons who must tell the most trivial lies about him: killing goldfish, and how many scoops of ice cream he takes.
Instead of learning from the spanking they got during the election—they increased the dosage of venom. It’s no longer about ratings—as CNN so eloquently proves—it is only about destroying Trump, even if it means self destruction.
A football player gets punched but the ref doesn’t see it, but he does see the victim punch back and flags him? Times a million, welcome to Trump’s world.
Not only is Trump not crazy. Not only are his outbursts understandable. He has behaved with greater restraint than his predecessors who could never imagine this tyranny of fake news. -Mario Murillo
Footnotes: My sources:
1. Truman letter to Paul Hume:
“Mr. Hume:
“I’ve just read your lousy review of Margaret’s concert. I’ve come to the conclusion that you are an ‘eight ulcer man on four ulcer pay.’
“It seems to me that you are a frustrated old man who wishes he could have been successful. When you write such poppy-cock as was in the back section of the paper you work for it shows conclusively that you’re off the beam and at least four of your ulcers are at work.
“Someday I hope to meet you. When that happens, you’ll need a new nose, a lot of beefsteak for black eyes, and perhaps a supporter below!
“[Newspaper columnist Westbrook] Pegler, a gutter snipe, is a gentleman alongside you. I hope you’ll accept that statement as a worse insult than a reflection on your ancestry.”
2. THE MAKING OF A NATION – a program by the Voice of America.
“The first sign of trouble came in September 1945. A group of workers closed down automobile factories at the Ford Company. Then, workers at the General Motors auto company went on strike. Soon there were strikes everywhere.
Workers went on strike in the oil industry, the clothing industry, the wood-cutting industry and the electrical industry.
The strikes made Truman angry. He believed the striking workers were threatening the economy and security of the United States. He got even angrier when representatives of striking steel and railroad workers came to the White House and refused to accept a compromise wage offer.
“You are crazy,” Truman told the union leader, “if you think I am going to sit here and let you stop this whole country.”
Truman ordered government forces to take over the railroads and the coal mines. And within a short time, the striking coal miners returned to work. However, the president had less success with the railroad workers. He became so angry with them that he asked Congress to give him the power to draft all striking rail workers into the armed forces.”
Seeds of Doubt by John B Judis January 15, 2014
“In November 1953, after he had left the presidency, Harry Truman traveled to New York to be feted at the Jewish Theological Seminary. When his old friend Eddie Jacobson introduced him as “the man who helped create the state of Israel,” Truman responded, “What do you mean ‘helped to create’? I am Cyrus.” Truman was referring to the Persian King who overthrew the Babylonians in 593 B.C.E. and helped the Jews, who had been held captive in Babylon, return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple.”
I so love everything you post! I find Trump to be refreshing, he says what he means, and he means what he says! Also I have recognized the prophetic working through him and the gift of discernment. So thankful God sent him to deliver his people. Thanks Mario I love your voice , keep it coming:)
Amen and amen
President Trump is dumb like a fox. Shrewd is his middle name!
Fantastic research Mario. You always bring out the Inconvenient Truth that others are afraid to address.
Thank you so much. God bless you Sir!
Precisely spearheading the medias evil intent and ….exposing it’s hatred for the sacredness of common sense by routing out the truth once and for all …..truly a voice crying in the wilderness of this age but Heralding Divine Perspective to those with eyes to see and ears to hear …our prayers are with you as shield and sustenance …..
I agree completely with you and all the comments so far! It is truly something to see what’s happening right now in Washington and the liberal media also Hollywood and all these people that want to lie lie lie about President Trump and anyone who voted for him. And now they’re the one’s who are being exposed for the perverts and liars they are!
God don’t sleep!
Amen & Amen!
Sent from my iPhone
Keep sharing truth! We the people need TRUTH and righteousness! Praise our God!