Ask anyone who was there last night. They will tell you it was simply raw power from God healing serious illness.
An eyewitness account
Ask anyone who was there last night. They will tell you it was simply raw power from God healing serious illness.
Dino was overcome by the anointing as he played—stopping several times to remark about the intense Glory of God that covered him. By the time Dino was finished leading the people into the presence of God, the entire audience was ready to receive.
Mario spoke directly to a great flaw in the way people seek revival in Branson. He talked about the fierce faith of Daniel—who in chapter 9 of the book named for him—saw that the days were up for Israel to be set free from Babylon.
“He set himself to fasting and prayer—but not just that, he was focused that now was the time for the King to let the Jews return to their homeland and rebuild Jerusalem.”
Mario went on to say, “We have toyed with revival…flirted with it. We have sought it without putting a deadline on our dream. We must have that bodacious spirit to say it is now, it is here!”
The people and the Holy Spirit bore witness to the truth. Soon miracles jumped on people. Who can forget the man who admitted he was in excruciating pain from neuropathy, diabetes, heart disease. He could barely stand because of the pain but now he was jumping up and down…destroying all doubt that he was healed.
Another precious sister was rubbing her agonized leg repeating the name of Jesus again and again. To everyone’s delight she took off running, announcing here complete healing. Dozens more demonstrated their healings. The testimonies included a variety of sicknesses but they all claimed to be healed.
Mario told people the urgency of always giving an altar call. He referred to the notion that everyone is considered Christian in Branson, that’s why few altar calls are given at events here. “We must call people to Jesus every time we meet—no matter what.”
God broke through and lost souls came to the front as the people gave glorious thanks to God.
Right now we are only hours away from the final meeting here in Branson. It will be awe-inspiring glory. Get here if you can.
That truly was an astonishing miracle when the man with neuropathy was healed, All praise to God!