3 years ago today Mario warned this would happen

by | Nov 7, 2017 | Christianity Today

Your firewall is gone. You had the great luxury of Obama’s mind numbing failure. Now you have the car keys and they are looking to you for action. You had a pass and could focus on attacking Obama’s agenda without having one of your own.   It’s time for ideas not campaign rhetoric.repub leaders copy

Republicans had better have a plan and act on that plan or they will end up worse than the Democrats.

By Mario Murillo  November 6th 2014

Dear Republican leadership,

The inevitable disaster of last Tuesday was long overdue for the White House of Cards.  Obama was kept on life support by his race, a cadre of Network news anchors, Ivy League socialists, corrupt unions, and idealistic youth.  Most, with the exception of a pathetic patch of lefties, have abandoned Barrack Obama.

But let’s be clear about one thing: The tidal wave of rejection of Obama is not a ringing endorsement of the Republican Party. Many who voted against Obama’s cohorts did so because they are only slightly less angry with Republicans.

Having won control of Congress, the GOP must now put forward a clear program to create jobs and govern reasonably, lest it give Democrats the upper hand for the 2016 presidential election…and do many other very bad things to you.


Here are the clear and present dangers for Republicans:

A. Your firewall is gone. You had the great luxury of Obama’s mind numbing failure. Now you have the car keys and they are looking to you for action. You had a pass and could focus on attacking Obama’s agenda without having one of your own.   It’s time for ideas not campaign rhetoric.

Of course Obama will veto everything but that does not matter.  You had better be busy sending an unending steam of bills that are designed to create jobs and make us safe.

B. Your words will come back to haunt you. For years you have said to the democrats, “why didn’t you get something done when you controlled the House and the Senate?” Every word will boomerang on you if you repeat the inaction of the Democratic Party.  If you dawdle and wrangle you will see a litany of campaign ads that will quote everything you said against Washington incompetence and gridlock.

C.The American public will not wait to vote you out. Their anger has been awakened and it will take them less time to turn on you than it did to turn on Democrats. We have given you the opportunity to govern and you must get to it!  If not, you will lose seats as fast as you gained them and you will lose the presidential election of 2016.

Here is what you must do immediately:

1. Send Obama a bill to completely repeal Obamacare. Yeah, I’ve heard all of the excuses: We cannot repeal the Affordable Care Act, because it lacks enough votes in the Senate to override a presidential veto; it is impossible to roll back the clock, because the old insurance plans are gone, and many individuals now depend on the ACA’s previsions, no matter how costly those may be….blah, blah, blah.

 But wait, America hates Obamacare.  Surely the nation that landed on the moon can do better than Obamacare…at least that what millions of Americans think and they are looking to you to do it.

I repeat…for the sake of your survival, send a bill to the President to repeal Obamacare and come up with a plan to save the best medical care in the world.   If that doesn’t work then  keep sending him smaller bills that target the most onerous parts of the Affordable Care Act:  junk the employer mandate, make insurance plans compete with each other to lower premiums, and benchmark the prices charged for medical devices. Just do it!


2.Get the Keystone Pipeline up and running! When Democrats oppose energy independence they look like sandaled hippies banging their foreheads against wind chimes as they saunter out of a head shop.

Obama has no cover for his job killing environmental terrorism.  We have the technology to protect the earth and America’s future.   Get the pipeline bill passed!   The votes are there to overcome a veto because many Democratic Congressmen will be in jeopardy at home if they vote no on the pipeline.

3.Secure the border.  Support for Obama among Latinos has dropped by nearly 20 points.  You would be shocked how many Latinos want a secure border.  Given their culture, conservatism is the natural home for Latinos.  Now is the time for common sense.  Before we talk about legalizing anyone we must stop the flow of criminals, disease and terrorists into the United States.

4. Finish the investigations on Benghazi and the IRS.  These remain high crimes against the American people and the victims deserve justice.  Get to the bottom of it and punish the guilty.

Benghazi Massacre Blog copy

We can all think of a hundred more things that Republicans should do…but these 4 are burning within me.  There you have it…a solemn warning.  You begged and fought for a chance to serve America.  Here’s your chance.  Take it, run with it, or there will be the infernal regions to pay for it.




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