Not since the Jesus Movement in the 1970’s, have young people come to Christ like this. The pictures prove we kept our promise to go and win gang members, addicts, college and high school students to Christ. You will also see we kept our promise to go and recruit young soldiers to go into the harvest.
What we saw was a towering miracle—a miracle made even more amazing when you consider it happened during the worst attacks we have ever known.
In fact, in April, we despaired to keep our promise to our partners. The evil one revolted against us—it was ferocious. It was shocking not only for its intensity, but also because it came from the most unlikely source: At the last minute, a coalition of pastors boycotted me because I supported Donald Trump for president.
My personal credo is, you must be stronger than your excuses. We shook it off, and moved forward. We saw amazing things happen in the next cities.
When leaders were open, putting petty differences aside, there was an abundance of conversions. Whenever a tent, auditorium or a church building was dedicated to outreach, the lost freely turned to Jesus.
Bakersfield California: We bring Living Proof to a war-torn city. It is here that we face the fiercest battle we have ever known. Gangs don’t want us to take away their drug customers and churches are divided against each other. Yet, somehow God blasted through and poured out His Spirit. The people were ready for signs and wonders and our mighty God did not disappoint. Few times in 50 years of ministry have I felt such intense power.
Stunning healing of a woman: Without asking, I broke out in Spanish and began to tell her the story of the agony in her body. Her look of excitement and recognition was undeniable. No one could say they were not watching a miracle. Arthritis, and a host of other maladies had turned her right side and legs into a war zone of pain. She freely confirmed the word to be accurate. Then the word became a healing miracle. She charged across the front of the building demonstrating that all her excruciating pain was gone.
Bethel Church Redding: I stood before thousands of young students at the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry—students on fire and yearning to be used of God—students who are teachable. God poured out His Spirit on them after they heard my impassioned cry for healing miracles to happen where they matter—in the mainstream of American youth culture.
Manteca California: A miracle, pure and simple, hits a young lady. I love it when the Holy Spirit’s word of knowledge is so clear, piercing and detailed that people no longer see the man speaking—only God. By the Spirit, the story of her life unfolded. The precise illnesses of her body and the childhood trauma that caused them all was revealed. Her total healing rocks the room.
The overwhelming majority who come forward are young men. This is beyond good news—this is the growing trend in our crusades. He is pouring out His Spirit on our daughters…and our sons! Never have I seen conviction grip youth like this. I twas as if they wanted me to shut up and let them come to Christ.
San Bernardino: I stood to preach. Suddenly, I was commanded to declare a word of healing before I could preach. Why did my message begin this way? Earlier that day I was with my spiritual father, Ralph Wilkerson. He gave me a corrective and inspiring word from the Lord. “Don’t preach to get miracles Mario. Stand there and let God do miracles. Let the miracles be first so the people will know God is in the room.”
Jesus ordered me—an unworthy vessel—to describe a severe medical condition in a young woman on the right side of this capacity crowd. Her healing ignited others to reach out for miracles. The awesome thing about a desperate crowd is they have no pride about taking hold of the hem of His garment.
I was free to preach the Gospel. What did I preach? I preached the very message you and I have been waiting to give the youth of America. Here were the words I have longed to say to the very audience I have longed to reach.
These pictures do not do justice to the next moment. Young souls came from all over the room. They came quickly, they came forcefully, they came for nothing less than Jesus. They came by the hundreds. They dispelled every lie that Satan is saying through the media about our children.
Houston: Our World Convention is a baptism of Holy Fire on willing soldiers who came from all over the nation to help us win souls.
San Francisco: COME FORWARD ONLY IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT GIVING YOUR LIFE TO JESUS.”It was my honor to partner with Chris Burns and the amazing army that formed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love in Golden Gate Park. THE SOUND was an outreach of many powerful worship artists, dynamic speakers, and a committed core linked hearts to bless the city. But one thing that happened has wide implications to all believers.Holy Ghost boldness overtook me. I preached an unvarnished soul-winning message. I refused to employ verbal gymnastics to appeal to a sophisticated culture.
Why—if this place is so hard—did so many respond, so immediately, to a direct gospel appeal? Nothing was sugar-coated. It was no credit to oratory. It was a simple case of hungry and hurting souls reaching out to Jesus—because He was offered to them.
Time and time again, I’ve warned the American church…there is a great harvest in our nation, even in San Francisco. And…if there is a harvest in San Francisco, how much more in the rest of America?
Warrior-fest with Perry Stone: 3,000 young people were waiting for me in Cleveland Tennessee. My message was clear: Someone in this Room is going to Change the World. Perry is doing a historic work. I have never seen fire and worship come out of young people like I did here.
We kept our promise and the best is yet to come. We are laying the ground work today for outreaches in Toledo Ohio, Flint Michigan, and Ontario California.
that’s wonderful
Praise God for His perfect work manifesting itself through your crusades …it so encouragingly awesome to read what went on as an appetizer to the gigantic banquet set before you as you go forth to that feasting …being still and knowing God is God and you are an eager participant in His great harvest work ….God strengthen and continue to enlighten you in
Jesus Name amen
God is really moving in and thru His people. I was bessed to be at your tent revival in Winters ca. What a mighty God we serve.
Glory to Father God who has come to awesomely answer prayer and fulfill His own commision.
Praise God, we Soo truly need this, even here in Clarksville TN…. drug & gang infested-shootings and home invasions almost daily in our newspaper.
Why aren’t there any videos??
I just get still shots.
God Bless you Brother Mario great Service yesterday Sunday in Manteca was at both services .
I was there in San Francisco; thank you Pastor Mario for your powerful Gospel message. You are loved.