If America is about to be destroyed will God still wait for the church? If we continue to refuse revival will God go it alone? Would He let America die so the church can save face? The answer from scripture is clear:
Isaiah 63:5 “I looked, but there was no one to help, I was appalled that no one gave support; so, my own arm achieved salvation for me, and my own wrath sustained me.”
The answer from American history is also clear. Michael Medved said: “The history of the United States displays an uncanny pattern: At moments of crisis, when the odds against success seem overwhelming and disaster looks imminent, fate intervenes to provide deliverance and progress. Historians may categorize these incidents as happy accidents, callous crimes, or the product of brilliant leadership, but the most notable leaders of the past four hundred years have identified this good fortune as something else—a reflection of divine providence.”
Don’t think for a moment that I am trying to comfort the church. I am not trying to comfort—I am issuing a warning. The church today is sicker than we know. Many preachers are literally mocking God in the pulpit.
In 1998, David Wilkerson said this about the American Church: “Likewise today, Christians by the multiple thousands are casting off the yoke of Christ, tossing aside all limits and restrictions. This attitude is prevalent in many of the books and magazines you find in Christian bookstores. It’s almost as if our leaders are saying, “Relax! God isn’t hard. He’s our Daddy, we’re all his kids, and we’re meant to have a good time. Don’t let anyone disturb your fun!”
We have begun to glorify homosexuality and lesbianism. Our media applauds the “bravery” of gays who declare their sexual orientation – but we ought to weep over it! TV’s “Ellen” was hailed as a heroine when she came out of the closet on national television. Yet at one time, Christians across the country would have been on their faces crying out to God for mercy over such immorality.” 19 years later, can you imagine what David Wilkerson would say?
If God goes it alone it would be and extremely painful and violent—it would be embarrassing…even humiliating.
Learn the difference between a revival and an awakening. Revival grows from within a repentant and obedient church and spills over to the secular culture.
Awakening is far more turbulent. In an awakening church leaders are bypassed and the Holy Spirit falls directly on secular society. Yes, God can still save America but if it is through an awakening it would still be a devastating experience for most Christians. Jesus said of awakening: And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. -Matthew 11: 12
Wrath would fall on ministers. 1 Peter 4: 17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God…” God will not spare the church public humiliation if the option is national destruction. Pastors hooked on porn will be exposed. All perversion will be brought out in the open. God will allow the secular media to uncover secret sin. Ruining the reputation of hypocritical ministers will not stop awakening—it will enhance it.
Seeker and mega churches would collapse: Kent Carlson and Mike Lueken from Oak Hills Church in Folsom, California. admit their seeker church was a monster. In their book, Renovation of the Church they say this: “When we structure a church around attracting people to cutting-edge, entertaining, interesting, inspirational and always-growing services and ministries, there is simply no room for letting up. Once we have communicated to the masses that if they come to our church, they’ll be surprised, then we have this never-ending burden to surprise people every week. The burden this places on the staff and laity can hardly be overstated. There were times when I felt like I simply did not have it in me to perform again at that level for yet another weekend.
Gradually, we began to get some clarity on a troubling truth: attracting people to church based on their consumer demands is in direct and irredeemable conflict with inviting people, in Jesus’ words, to lose their lives in order to find them.”
If an awakening hit today it would doom many mega church pastors. On their watch—America fell faster and harder into immorality than ever. Instead of reaching the lost for Christ, they weakened the already saved. They were helpless to change our culture.
Wrath would fall on hypocrites. 1 Peter 4: 17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God…” God will not spare the church public humiliation if the option is national destruction. Pastors hooked on porn will be exposed. All perversion will be brought out in the open. God will allow the secular media to uncover secret sin. Ruining the reputation of hypocritical ministers will not stop awakening—it will enhance it.
People could die. Some who oppose awakening or live immorally as Ananias and Sapphira did could be killed. (See Acts 5).
Natural disasters and global calamity: God reserves the right to use these to spark awakening.
It is frightening how American Christians are not acting on the mercy God has shown us. God is near a choice—a painful choice to stretch out His hand and pour our His Spirit—with or without us.
However, there is a remnant… Many are godly people are growing frustrated and desperate. It is a good sign! David Wilkerson said, “God is doing a secret work in our day. He is raising up a hungry people who are growing more and more dissatisfied with the fleshly, worldly system as it now exists—even in the church.
These God-hungry people are saying among themselves, “This is not it. There is something more. The bigness and the sensationalism of it all has left us empty and dry. We want more. More than entertainment. More than big, showy buildings. More than a shallow celebrity gospel. We want deeper values. We want to see Jesus. We want spotless robes of righteousness. We want to go back to doing things in total dependence on God.”
America can still be destroyed. I don’t believe that will happen without one last radical move By God. My first choice would be a true revival in the church. However, if she refuses, God will move on to an awakening that will be brutal to lukewarm believers. If that’s what it takes…so be it.
You said it Mario. We want to go back to total dependence on God. If that means the dollar crashing, riots in the streets and war on our shores, bring it on.
Only 13% of Christians read their bible. The average Christian prayers 3 minutes a day, and ministers only 5 minute. Lukewarm, American Christians are lukewarm.
God wake us up !!!!!
I am ready to step into total dependence on God !!!!!
I really don’t want to agree with you but I must! Seems no one ever wants to discuss whats is seriously going on in our country..everybody just wants to have fun, while Christians are being martyred everyday,,,,quit a contrast and sad to say we need a wake up call…
You are so right Brother Mario. America is modern Laodicea. Our prosperity and blessings have been our ruin. Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God!
The complete works of:
E.M Bounds on PRAYER
Forewood by Jim Cymbala
God your will be done not ours
There is the Remnant, those who hold to sound doctrine, fellowship of the brethren, and pursuing a deep abiding relationship with the LORD, like Elijah the prophet who thought he was the only one who worshipped the LORD, he found there were 7000 others who had not bowed to Baal, 1 Kings 17:18, so there are millions of people who are the remnant of the LORD in this country, and around the world. He will raise up his Church as a standard..
Many Christians have lost their fear in God. And an awakening will put the fear back in them. Pride has swept the church at a rapid rate. Pray for the chosen that will be persecuted in America for exposing the churches that are not of God. For the time has come.