An epic rebuke to CNN and Obama and Hillary: When asked to condemn Trump’s travel ban after we hit Assad’s airbase, a Syrian victim instead says, “Thank you President Trump!” “you are all hypocrites. We don’t want to be refugees. For seven years, you did nothing! Finally, Trump has punished Assad!”
By Mario Murillo
An epic rebuke to CNN and Obama and Hillary: When asked to condemn Trump’s travel ban after we hit Assad’s airbase, a Syrian victim instead says, “Thank you President Trump!” “You are all hypocrites. We don’t want to be refugees. For seven years, you did nothing! Finally, Trump has punished Assad!”
In a moment only God could have orchestrated, President Trump has triumphed and the lies of the Obama years have been exposed. In one fell swoop—and even as the prime minister of China was present—Our president told North Korea, Iran, Assad, Russian and the world that we are back and the free world has a leader.
Here is an amazing result:
“What we are seeing right now, in the wake of Donald Trump launching retaliatory airstrikes against Syria, is a rally-round-the-president effect.
As the media shift to war footing, the tone of the coverage has dramatically changed, from whether Trump is a bumbling leader to how decisive he was in responding to Bashir al-Assad’s horrifying chemical attack.
And the natural instinct to support the commander-in-chief when he orders military action is a good thing—as long as it doesn’t go too far.
Trump is benefiting from two factors. One is the stark contrast with Barack Obama, who declared a red line against Syria and failed to enforce it in 2013, settling instead for a deal on chemical weapons that obviously didn’t remove all of them from the country.
The other is Hillary Clinton, earlier in the day, saying that the U.S. should bomb Syrian airfields—thus making it harder to argue that no cruise missiles would have been launched if the election had gone the other way.” -Fox News
From out of nowhere a Syrian said what our entire government could not say. “We do not want to be refugees. We want safe zones here until we can get our nation back.”
Here is the common-sense solution to the Syrian crisis delivered like a Tomahawk missile into the fake news capitol of the world.
CNN’s unvarnished hatred for Trump will continuously set them up for these embarrassing backfires.
Once again, the left celebrated Trump’s demise too soon. Once again it all boomerangs in their face. God’s hand is strong on our Commander in Chief. Today I am speaking Psalm 41: 10 and 11 over our president. “But You, O Lord, be merciful to me, and raise me up, That I may repay them. 11 By this I know that You are well pleased with me, Because my enemy does not triumph over me.
How do we pray for President Trump?
-Pray for wisdom beyond human wisdom for him to know what to do next in a highly volatile and complicated world situation.
-Pray protection on him from his enemies in the media and traitors embedded in the deep state rogue government set up by Obama.
-Pray for his health, his emotions, his family and his staff to be protected.
While you are at it, pray for the leaders of the American Church to be convicted by the example of a brave and decisive leader so we will stop delaying revival with carnal and impotent church services.
Amen and amen!!!
big amen, and amen
AMEN! !!!
Victory in Jesus Name!
Bombing Syria proved to me that Trump was selected not elected. Trumps move was used to provoke Russia to engage in war with America.
War, this time will be brought to American shores.
Pray for America. America is in grave danger.